Formación para profesionales
Animal-Assisted Counseling and Psychotherapy A Clinician’s Guide Linda Chassman Craddock and Ellen Kinney Winston Animal-Assisted Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Clinician’s Guide is an essential resource for clinical mental health professionals who are considering integrating animals into their work. This unique text provides in-depth information and examples of how to provide treatment with real clients, describing hundreds of interventions, while also addressing essential legal and ethical issues. Written with compassion and consideration for both animals and humans, Animal-Assisted Counseling and Psychotherapy (AACP) explores working with varied and unique therapy animals, the application of training skills, and how animals can be powerfully incorporated into treatment with children, teenagers, adults, couples, and families. A thorough reference on integrating animals into professional practice, this book gives clinicians the tools to spark their creativity as they embark on the amazing journey of AACP. “
Animal-Assisted Counseling and Psychotherapy:
A Clinician’s Guide
Linda Chassman Craddock and Ellen Kinney Winston
Animal-Assisted Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Clinician’s Guide contains a wealth of information and discussion of issues that must be considered and that will be very useful to anyone setting up an AACP practice. The book covers information and discussion about legal and ethical issues; general principles and specifics of AACP work with various types of animals as well as with specific animals; logistics and challenges surrounding their care; and so much more. In addition to working with a variety of animals, the authors relate to working with different ages of clients and also with couples and families. — Nancy Parish-Plass, editor of Animal-Assisted Psychotherapy: Theory, Issues, and Practice
AATPC brinda capacitación y Certificación en Terapia y Psicoterapia Asistida con Animales que cumple con las Competencias definidas por la American Counseling Association (ACA).
Nuestras oportunidades de capacitación están diseñadas para profesionales y estudiantes en los campos de Servicios Humanos, que incluyen:
Psicoterapeutas, consejeros y psiquiatras en:
Practica privada
Salud mental comunitaria
Centros de tratamiento residenciales
Otros centros de asesoramiento
Trabajadores sociales
Administradores de casos
Profesores, psicólogos escolares y orientadores escolares.
Trabajadores de la salud
Trabajadores sociales
Planificadores de alta
Otros en profesiones de ayuda
Objetivo de entrenamiento
Avanzar en el campo de la Psicoterapia Asistida por Animales capacitando a profesionales calificados de la salud mental en la integración ética y humana de los animales en el entorno terapéutico.