Pet Loss Support Group
Fridays 12-1pm MST
Registration Required.
AATPC’s Virtual Pet Loss Support Group provides a safe place for those who have lost a pet or anticipate losing a pet to grow, support, heal, and learn from one another. These groups not only have helped many who are touched by the human-animal bond, but also have served as a springboard from which lasting, supportive friendships have grown.
Our groups are facilitated by licensed mental health professionals and master’s level internship students. The facilitators are there to keep the conversation safe and inclusive. AATPC’s Virtual Pet Loss Support Group varies in size because it is drop-in, but usually consists of around 5-20 people depending on the day. You will not be forced to participate during the groups, but we hope you will feel AATPC is a safe place to share your thoughts and feelings. Groups are accessible to all. This is not group therapy, but rather a place to get support and build community.
This group is currently offered virtually. AATPC will begin to add more in-person services in coming months. If you choose to attend in-person services, please note that face masks are required, even outdoors and even if you are vaccinated. Please practice social distancing and remain home if you are feeling unwell.
You must be at least 18 years old to attend this support group. Individuals under 18 are encouraged to call us, or to reach out to us about speaking at their schools. Sign up for our newsletters to get informed about future workshops, groups, and happenings around the ranch.

How the virtual groups work:
Register and sign the confidentiality statement
AATPC’s Virtual Pet Loss Support Group has open enrollment, meaning you can join the group whenever is convenient for you.
After registration, you will receive a weekly reminder email every Friday morning at 8amMST with the Zoom link for the group later that day. Please always follow the link that is sent out in this weekly email to attend the group (If you do not receive this weekly email please email Erin Peterson at OR Lindsay Meyers at
The chat function will be disabled and group members will only be able to message the group facilitator directly. Group members will be unable to send private chat messages to each other.
Audio/Video chat with your facilitator and other group members
The facilitator will lock the group 6 minutes in so that no one else can join the group
Participate from a computer anywhere
You can even participate from a smartphone using the Zoom app
Please make sure you are joining us from a quiet, confidential space
Please note that the confidentiality form is required for all participants.For confidentiality reasons, we do not allow observers to participate in our support groups. However, we do find education to be of high importance and would happily set up a time to chat with you over the phone about how we run our groups and the services we provide.

Virtual Support Frequently Asked Questions
I’m not from Colorado. Can I still participate? Of course! Our members come from all over the world.
Can I log on to a meeting without a computer? Yes, you can log into meetings on your cell phone, or by a landline by calling.
Does Zoom cost anything? No, Zoom is FREE
What happened to the other groups? Most of our services were moved to a virtual format or cancelled due to COVID-19. Please also keep an eye on our calendar and website as we begin to add more in-person services. Sign up for our newsletter here.
Who will my facilitator be? All of AATPC’s groups are facilitated by licensed mental health professionals and/or master’s level internship students. Visit our team page here to read more about our staff.
Zoom says the group is locked. What do I do? There may be a few reasons you’re getting this message. 1) You’re trying to enter the group too late 2) You haven’t adjusted for time zone differences 3) Group is full.
I can’t log in, what do I do? For technical support, e-mail or call 720-266-4444 x38
I can’t join a group, but I still need support. What do I do? If you are under 18 or are otherwise unable to join a group, please contact Lexie Baca at or call 720-266-4444 x0 to get on the waiting list to see a counselor. We are currently operating at a two month waiting list for new clients.